Translation of the Medieval Russian chronicle of a merchant's travels in India
Curious story. It makes me wonder how others like Marco Polo managed to not get robbed all the time. Afanasy seems to have had a almost critical lack of knowledge in this regard.
I wondered that as well
I suppose life was more orderly than we might imagine it was
Very entertaining read! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you!
His name is Afanasy, not Afansy
Thank you, that was a very bad typo lol
Curious story. It makes me wonder how others like Marco Polo managed to not get robbed all the time. Afanasy seems to have had a almost critical lack of knowledge in this regard.
I wondered that as well
I suppose life was more orderly than we might imagine it was
Very entertaining read! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you!
His name is Afanasy, not Afansy
Thank you, that was a very bad typo lol