We Americans like the English before us regard oceans as you Eurasians regard steppes.

Invasion corridors.

This is why you face war in Ukraine today. We were well aware of your desire to make inroads into Europe.

Partners? Indeed. As Belarus is a partner.

As we Americans are well aware oceans are not barriers but invasion corridors, we’re never likely to allow any power to push towards the Atlantic, as China learns now about the Pacific.

Personally I think it’s time to stop fighting and compete for the infinite- Space.

However this article spoke truthfully, as opposed to the unjustly invaded Saints narrative.

Congratulations on Donetsk, go no further.

It is true that had you not expanded, you would have been devoured. It is also true you have devoured many.

Innocent you aren’t.

Do not approach the oceans lightly, God Bless.

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You are confusing the Cartographer with Zavalishin. Invading the Dominions or USA by sea from Europe or North East Asia is a logistic impossibility even if you have a fuck-off navy to cover such an invasion.

The Chesapeake was a fleeting moment in a war that the French lost and that shortly after did for the Bourbons. You are a paranoid loony, mate: to project power across an ocean requires the ability to obtain at least local sea control long enough to land your army - and unless there are substantial friendly forces adjacent the landing, your army will be destroyed. It goes both ways.

Russia and China are a mutual threat to one another, but neither is a mutual threat to the USA, nor the USA a mutual threat to either of them. The oceans constrain transcontinental invasion; they do not enable it.

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Good, MATE, then you won’t be needing us anymore. 🇺🇸 👋🏻

Would you mind telling the rest of Oceania the same? Because they’re all breaking our doors down about Russia and China for decades now. England, Australia… all over us, clamoring for treaties, conscription… us, not them.

Also; may we take this as a belated apology, 🇬🇧CUNT, for WW1, and from Hell where Churchill, Lord Grey and Clive reside?

The Germans were never in a position to invade England, for the reasons described. Yet WW1 happened. Because Belgium.

Hope it was worth it, the Empire is gone.

PS ; I actually agree, I think the State Department and the Foreign Office then and now, don’t.

And I was speaking to all Russians and Rusophiles, and hopefully China.

A race of Cunts. Cheers, old boy.

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This clown was OBVIOUSLY wrong about India and Canada. The Statute of Westminster (1931) only furthered English power, as did divesting ourselves of the Indian millstone. /s

England; rolling over and taking it up the arse from Campbell-Bannerman on. Ippolit Irinarkhovich Zavalishin must be turning in his grave... laughing hysterically.

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